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RMNS Type LV Draw-out Switch Cabinet

Product Description

RMNS Integrated Low Voltage Switch Equipment (Named as Low Voltage Switchboard for short in the following text) is a registered product of our company. RMNS low voltage switch-board is improved both in electric part choosing and in structure designing according to the trend of integrated low voltage switch equipment. The electric and mechanical performance of this product meet the technical level of the original MNS product.
This low voltage switchboard serves as the control equipment for generating, transmitting, distributing electricity and transducing or consuming power in AC 50-60Hz and triphase five-wired electric systems which rated insulation voltage of 690V and the rated operating voltage of no more than 660V. The product serves as control equipment for generating, transmitting, distributing electricity and transducing or consuming power in the power plant, substation, industrial and mining enterprises, airport, pier and broad-cast television and other communication centers. And the product can conduct reactive compensation for the main bus-bar through the capacitor compensation cabinet.

Structure & Feature

This switchboard is more adaptive to the domestic use owing to the technical improvement on the base of technology of the ABB Company. The cabinet body adopts C-type steel with a module of 25mm to form all kinds of cabinet structures and drawer units in needs through the connecting pieces. The high-strength and flame retardant engineering plastic components are widely used in the MCC cabinet so as to increase product safety and reliability. Meanwhile, the combination with the reformed foreign function boards based on a module of 200mm makes the design more adaptive to the mixed PC and MCC cabinets. And the reliable interlocking between drawer unit and cabinet prevents the on-load switch-off, which increases the safety. In addition, the cabinet body normally was assembled by the cold rolling steel plates after the galvanization treatment and excess zinc removing. And the user can choose to adopt the AI-Zn-plated steel plates to assemble.

Technical Indexes

○ Rated insulation voltage UI: 690V/AC
○ Rated working voltage Ue: 660V、380V/AC
○ Rated impulse withstand voltage Ulmp: 8kV
○ Overvoltage level: Ⅲ
○ Pollution level: 3.
○ Rated frequency: To 50 Hz

Main bus-bar

● Rated current Ie: To 5500A (6300A)
● Rated withstand current during peak lpk: To 220kA
● Rated withstand current during short-time Icw: To 150kA

Distribution bus-bar

● Rated current Ie: To 1200A (2000A)
● Rated withstand current during peak lpk: To 110kA (176kA)
● Rated withstand current during short-time Icw: To 50 kA (100 kA)

Structure and Features


● Cabinet body and components: DIN41488
● Height recommended: 2200mm
● Width recommended: 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200mm
● Depth recommended: 800, 1000, 1200mm
● Modules: E=25mm complies with DIN43660
Form of internal isolation: To the Form 4
Protection Level: Connect to the IEC 529 or DIN41050 IP30 to IP40

Product Model

Instruction for Product Model

Size of Cabinet Body

a. Incoming Cabinet & Bus-tie Cabinet

b. Power Center Cabinet

c. MCC Cabinet & Capacitor Compensation Cabinet

Primary Diagram






● 主接线方案图编号,用途和单线图;额定电压;额定电流;配电室平面布置图及开关柜的排列配置图,并标明每一回路模数多少。

● 标明进出线电缆规格。

● 开关柜内主要电气元件的型号、规格及数量。

● 如开关柜之间或进线柜需要母线桥或母线槽连接,应提供母线桥或母线槽的额定载流量,母线桥或母线槽的跨度,距地高度等具

● 体要求数据。详见母线桥或母线槽的订货须知。

● 开关柜使用在特殊环境条件时,应在订货时详细说明。

● 其它具体要求。


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