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LJW6108 Portable & Multi-functional High-light Lamp

Product Description

Product Name: Portable & Multi-functional High-light Lamp 

Product Features:

●   The lamp is light in structure, delicate in look, and easy to operate. It can be carried by hand, placed on table, attracted to magnets, and hanged for lighting. The lamp head can be adjusted at will within 75 degrees for the right radiation angle. A touch switch makes the lamp easy to operate and use.   

●   With 54 white lighted LED light source of 0.25W in series connection, the lamp has a extremely high light efficiency, low energy consumption, and a long service life of up to 100000 hours. The lamp is environmentally protected and designed with excellent circuits. The free switch between work light and high light makes lamp illuminated consecutively for 8 hours in high lights and up to 16 hours in strong lights. The lampshade is processed with high-tech treatment in surface, enabling high light penetration efficiency, and evenly colored light spots. The lamp is also added with strobe light function based on lighting for the use of long distance signal instructions. 

●    The lamp uses a specialized lithium battery pack. Being environmentally-friendly, it is made of a specialized PC material, and has high capacities, a long service life, a light weight and a refined structure, being strong enough to withstand impacts and concussions. With its good sealing performance, the lamp can be used in all kinds of harsh environments for a long time. 

●   The charger of the lamp adopts a specialized control of battery charge. The lamp battery has a high reliability in speedy charge, over-charge protection, short circuit protection, trickle charge and a status display. 

Product Model


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