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LJW7620 Miniature High-light Explosion-proof Flashlight

Product Description

Product Name: Miniature High-light Explosion-proof Flashlight 


● The flashlight has a safe and anti-explosion level of EXibⅡCT6, safe enough to work in the districts I and II. 

● The flashlight is delicate and has high brightness, which can be installed onto a helmet as a head lamp. The flashlight is easy to put on. 

● The reflection cup is vacuum coated and its reflective rate is high. The lamp adopts a high energy lithium battery, which ensures an excellent performance in battery charge and discharge. The battery is safe and environmentally friendly, and has a low self-discharge rate. 

● The design of a large switch in lamp end meets operational requirements of luminarie switch-on-and-off by hands with protective gloves, and of a change between high and low lights. 

● The lamp adopts a light weight alloy requiring precision machining, strong enough to withstand impacts and collisions, resistant high and low temperature, which enables its use under a harsh environment. There are many different holders of lamp for your choice, and in match with mainstream fire helmets. 

Product Model


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