中国·澳门新葡萄新京威尼斯(987-官方网站)-Made in China


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Salary and benefits? 查看回复

We adhere to the principle of fair and healthy competition. We provide each employee with highly competitive salary, basic social insurance and housing provident fund, health checkup, garden-like working and living environment, and perfect personal development and training opportunities. It continues to progress in a challenging working environment to achieve maximum value!

What career development paths can the company provide? 查看回复

Since its establishment, the company has always attached great importance to employee training and development. In addition to providing a professional learning platform, it also follows a relatively complete training mechanism.

In order to enable employees with different abilities and professional interests to find their own upward path, the company has clarified the promotion evaluation and management methods for different grades, so that employees can choose "vertical development, horizontal development, and comprehensive development according to their actual conditions." "The three career development methods give employees the opportunity to rise continuously.

Employing philosophy? 查看回复

Selection: Everyone is happy, recruiting talents, the fittest is the talent, the best is the first

Education: select talents, tap potential and add value, tailor-made, apply what you have learned

Use: Respect individuality, take advantage of strengths and avoid weaknesses, make best use of merit

Encouragement: scientific orientation, potential development, consistent goals, and a win-win situation

Retention: Culture blends people, atmosphere shapes people, platforms retains people, and results sharing
